Fibroids are most common benign growth (Non Cancerous) that arises from the muscle tissue of the uterus, also known as Leiomyomas.


  1. Menstrual
    • Abnormal menstruation
    • Heavy (Menorrhagia)
    • Irregular
    • Spotting
  2. Pain- Lower abdomen, lower back, pelvic region, Pain during sexual intercourse (Dyspareunia), Pain during defecating (Dyschezia)
  3. Pressure symptoms- Increased frequency of urine, Difficulty while passing urine and rare urine retention. Constipation and difficult bowel movements.
  4. Feeling of fullness in pelvic region and enlarged abdomen.
  5. Generalized symptoms- Chronic Fatigue due to anaemia (because of blood loss), Poor quality of life, Emotional distress.
  6. May present as infertility and frequent miscarriages.

What do We expect From You?

  • If you notice any one the above symptoms then consult your doctor.
  • Do not ignore your symptoms.
  • Lifestyle modification can help you in elevating your mood and relieving your emotional distress.
  • Don’t worry , we are here to help you out.

Types of Fibroid

How fibroids affect fertility?

  • Fibroids located near the cervix ( mouth of the uterus) may hinder with the forward movement of sperms.
  • Fibroids when large and near the tubes distort the tubo-ovarian- uterine relation and may affect the pick-up of ovum(egg) after ovulation and may further affect the transfer of embryo to the uterine cavity.
  • Sub mucosal fibroids , which are in the cavity of uterus, hamper the formation of lining of the cavity which is important for implantation of embryo.
  • Sometimes the fibroids occupy a lot of space in the cavity, causing difficulties for embryo to stick on and grow, resulting in recurrent miscarriages.

Treatment for infertility

Submucosal fibroid:
These are the ones which may hamper with the lining of uterus where the embryo is implanted and hence should be removed. Hysteroscopic removal is advisable, provided the size of fibroid is small.

Intramural fibroid:
Intramural fibroids are generally harmless, provided they are situated away from the lining of the uterine cavity and are of smaller size not distorting the shape of uterus and orientation of tubes and ovaries. Large intramural fibroids with a diameter of more than 4 cm and located near the uterine lining may cause infertility and hence should be removed.

Subserosal fibroids:

Subserosal fibroids are also away from the lining of the uterus and hence generally does not hamper with fertility, but sometimes very bigger fibroids may occupy a large space in pelvis and abdomen, may compress the tube and directly or indirectly affect the fertility. So after complete evaluation and clinical judgment of our specialist, patient may be advised to undergo IUI or IVF. And sometimes very big subserosal fibroids will be advised to be removed.

Medical treatment:
Medical treatment is successful for a very small group of patients, but it is ineffective in the majority of symptomatic, submucosal or bigger intramural and extramural patients. Small fibroids which are harmless can be left alone or treated with ulipristal, an oral medication, or injectable, inj.leuprolide.

Frequently asked questions

Q1. Are fibroid cancerous?ANS:- No, fibroids are benign growth that is non cancerous.

Q2. Can fibroids grow back?ANS:- Yes, fibroids can grow back even after myomectomy. So it is advisable to plan embryo transfer after recovering from myomectomy surgery. Female who have completed their family can go for hysterectomy, which is the absolute treatment for fibroids.

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